Civil War Round Table Congress


FRIDAYS WITH U. S. GRANT, as impersonated by Dr. Curt Fields, Ph.D., is an ongoing video series presented by The CWRT Congress.   Dr. Fields, the preeminent Grant living historian, tells the U.S. Grant story in Grant's own words.

As an aside, the Raleigh Civil War Round Table was honored to have Dr. Fields, as U.S. Grant, give a remote Zoom presentation at our February 8th, 2021, monthly meeting.   This presentation, Reflections on the Recent Vicksburg Campaign, was not part of the CWRT Congress's video series but can be viewed directly below.   The FRIDAYS with U.S. GRANT presentations appear below that.

The following set of links encompasses all of Dr. Fields' FRIDAYS WITH U.S. GRANT YouTube videos presented by The CWRT Congress as of June 6, 2021.   Running time for each video is shown in parentheses after the linked title.   When finished viewing a video, press the <ESC> key, if in full screen mode, and then click the back arrow to close the video page and return here.